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Requirements Management Platform

Your partner in the fight against uncertainty in software development projects.
Requirements Management
Gathering, Validation, Management, Maintenance.
Test Management
Requirements-based test management. Test coverage, planning and results logging.
Issue Tracking
Tracking of tasks and defects with linking to requirements.
Code Traceability SOON
Link the software units and source code files to the requirements.

Key Benefits

Faster Releases

Optimised requirements management processes and traceability reduce development and testing time, resulting in faster and more frequent releases.

Quality Improvement

Test management in conjunction with requirements improves the understanding of the project by specialists and control of test coverage. This leads to fewer bugs and an overall improvement in product quality and user satisfaction.

Easier Change Management

Automation and flexibility in change management allows you to respond faster to new requests and adjustments, significantly reducing processing and go to market time.

Key Features

Requirements as Artifacts

Opposite to Wiki tools, Almware uses a "requirement as artifact" approach, which involves decomposing requirements into individual interrelated and traceable artifacts.

This allows to explore artifacts and the relationships between them from different perspectives, e.g. from business requirements to tests and code through software requirements and vice versa.

Artifacts are stored in structured directories, making it quick and easy to find the right information at the right time.

Learn more about Requirement as Artifact approach

Requirements Implementation Tracking

Almware allows to define the phases of the implementation process for requirements. This way you can track the implementation of requirements and identify issues with regard to the specific phases.

Requirements to Tests Traceability

Test cases do not exist on their own, but are an extension of the requirements. This allows to increase the clarity of requirements, as well as control test coverage and track results across business requirements, modules, sub-systems or domain areas.

Requirements to Code Traceability

Integration with a version control system allows you to track which code implements a requirement and which requirements are affected by the code.

This allows you to track commit's impact on the requirements and determine the necessity of retesting and scope, reducing the number of tests and increasing their efficiency.

Requirements to Issues Traceability

Almware provides basic issue tracking functionality, allowing you to track requirements affected by an issue.

If you are using an external issue tracker, Almware can be integrated with it and you can link external issues to requirements in Almware.

Learn more about issue tracking in Almware


Almware allows to gather, organise and trace specifications items such as data model entities, user interfaces, API methods and others.

Integration with external systems allows you to automatically keep your specifications data up-to-date. For example, UI directory can be integrated with Figma SOON (UI will be updated automatically), Software interfaces directory can be integrated with Postman SOON (API methods will be updated from Postman).

AI Assistance BETA

The main purpose of AI assistants is to help you with routine tasks related to requirements, test cases, issues that arise during the project lifecycle.

They can help you with the many tasks that regularly come up in the process of gathering and maintaining software requirements.

Learn more about how Almware AI assistants can help you

Traceability, Traceability, Traceability

Almware provides traceability of requirements artifacts from business objectives to test cases, software units, and source code, ensuring consistency throughout the software development lifecycle.

Software Requirements Management Platform