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Testing and Quality Assurance

Testing and quality assurance of software based on specified requirements, ensuring that every aspect of the software conforms to function as described.
Test Management in Almware

Test Cases Repository

Repository of test cases linked to requirements, featuring the ability to filter based on the structure of the requirements.

Test cases are classified according to the project's overall classification, by domains, sub-systems, and features.

Test Cases Repository

Test Runs

The planning of test runs to organize the systematic testing of entire sub-systems or specific features within project milestones.

Assignment of personnel to conduct verifications, a log of completed checks, and reports by requirements and features.

Test Runs

Runs Log and Results

Tracking of all testing activities. Selection of results by various parameters such as runtime environment, domain areas, capabilities and other testing criteria.

Runs log and results

Test Cases

Management and maintenance of test cases in accordance with software requirements.

Checklists and Test Cases

Almware supports verifications through both checklists and test cases, which can be structured with steps or in a text form.


Test Case Traceability

Almware allows to track the relationship of test cases to requirements artifacts such as user interfaces, data, units, API methods, etc.

Test case to data entity traceability Test case to user interface traceability Test case to software units traceability

AI Assistants BETA

Assist in the creation of checklists and test cases using artificial intelligence based on requirements, acceptance criteria, and relevant artifacts.

Quality Assurance AI Assistants

Test Case Versioning

Versioning of test cases and monitoring of changes to the requirements to which test cases corresponds.

Test Case Versioning

Test Runs

Test runs help systematize the testing process within milestone, software version and environment.

Test Run Results

Each test run provides a detailed log of the results structured by domains and features.

Test Run Results

Multiple Assignments

Testers can be quickly assigned by selecting a set of test cases with the mouse and designating a responsible executor for the selected batch.

Multiple Assignments


A test run can be tied to a milestone, allowing to track the progress of implementation and testing for a specific iteration or release.

Test Run Milestones


Test Run provides report on the results of the tests, with a breakdown of results by domain, features and requirements.

Test Run Report

Almware Features

Requirements Management
A comprehensive set of tools for requirements gathering, management, validation and verification.
Planning and Control
Requirements planning and control, requirements implementation phases, tracking of tasks and errors with linking to requirements.
Test Management
Requirements-based test management. Test coverage, planning and results logging.