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Software Requirements Management Platform

Structurizations, traceability and management of software requirements.

Why Use Almware

Almware simplifies requirements management by ensuring consistency of requirements and a unified project vision by all project participants, from managers to testers.

Almware minimizes communication costs, speeding up the implementation and delivery of changes and new features, which finally increases the speed of software development and quality.

Requirements Management

Professional and efficient software requirement management.

Knowledge Base

Decompose requirements into traceable artifacts, establishing a well-structured knowledge base for the product.


Documenting product functionalities for all project members based on requirements artifacts.

Test Management

Systematize software testing and quality control processes based on requirements.

Implementation Planning

Planning and controlling the software development process based on requirements.

Who Uses Almware

Almware is useful for both product teams and service companies involved in custom software development.

In-House Product Development

Almware allows teams to build and maintain a structured knowledge base about their product and how it works. A centralized knowledge base makes it easy to solve numerous problems that can lead to costly and slow development.

Custom Software Development

Almware streamlines the development process by ensuring that all parties have a clear understanding of the project scope and commitment from requirements definition through development, implementation and maintenance.

Requirement as Artifact

Almware uses the "requirement as artifact" approach, which implies decomposition of requirements into separate artifacts and the interrelation of requirement artifacts with each other.

Almware is not a Wiki tool, but a framework for building a software requirements model. This approach requires disciplined effort to segment requirements into artifacts and establish relationships. This may take more time in the initial stages, but in the long run it greatly improves product understanding, simplifies requirements maintenance, and reduces project uncertainty.


Source Code
google docs
Task Tracking
Yandex Tracker
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Define. Test. Maintain.
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