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Requirements Management

Structured by Folders and Modules
Requirements are grouped into modules that are organised using nested folders.

Artifact Linking
Specification artifacts describing implementation details are attached to the requirement.

AI Assistants BETA
We have implemented various AI assistants to help with handling requirements and related artifacts. Learn more about the assistants.

Requirement Events Log
Records all events and actions performed on the requirements artifact, showing the difference in attribute values as they change.

Requirement artifact versions with comparison and rollback capabilities.

Requirement Test Cases
View and manage test cases for the selected requirement.

Data Model
Entity Directory
Data model repository containing entities, enums, classifiers, etc.

ER Diagram
Visualisation of relationships between data model artifacts using an ER diagram.

Entity Attributes
Detailed description of entity attributes including type, characteristics, and constraints. Specification of 1-1, N-1, and N-M relationships among entities.

Entity Relationships
Visual representation of entity connections through ER diagrams for selected entity.

Shows the relationship of data model entities and requirements with the type of operation specified.

Traceability, Traceability, Traceability
Quick view of related artifacts: business requirements, user interfaces, APIs, test cases, etc.