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Test Management

Test Cases Repository
Repository of test cases linked to requirements, featuring the ability to filter based on the structure of the requirements.
Test cases are classified according to the project's overall classification, by domains, sub-systems, and features.

Test Runs
Active and archive test runs directory.
Assignment of personnel to conduct verifications, a log of completed checks, and reports by requirements and modules.

Runs Log and Results
Results log by various parameters such as environment, domain areas and other testing criteria.

Test Cases
Checklists and Test Cases
Almware supports verifications through both checklists and test cases, which can be structured with steps or in a text form.

Test Case Traceability
Almware allows to track the relationship of test cases to requirements artifacts such as user interfaces, data, units, API methods, etc.

AI Assistants BETA
AI assistant creates checklist or test cases for requirement based on description, user interfaces and data entities.

Test Case Versioning
Versioning test cases and keeping track of actuality as requirements change.

Test Runs
Test Run Results
Each test run provides a detailed log of the results structured by domains and features.

Test Run provides report on the results of the tests, with a breakdown of results by requirements.