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Requirements Baselines

A baseline represents the state of a set of requirements at a particular moment. It is an agreed-upon, stable version that serves as the foundation for further development and changes in a project. Baselines help you track changes in requirements, link them to software versions, and compare or revert individual requirement artifacts if necessary.

Baseline States

A baseline can have three states:

  • Open Baseline: There can be only one open baseline in a project at any given time. This is where active work on requirements is currently happening, usually for the current version under development.
  • Closed Baseline: An intermediate state between open and archived. In this state, requirement artifacts are read-only. If needed, the baseline can be reopened for further work without changing its version.
  • Archived Baseline: An archived baseline cannot be changed or reopened. When you archive a baseline, the system prompts you to create a new one for the next (current) version.

Working with Baselines

You can manage baselines using the branch switching button in the upper right corner of the interface.

In the "Baselines" tab, you'll see a list of recent baselines and can switch your workspace to any of them.

  • The current baseline appears first. If it's open, a pencil icon indicates it's editable.
  • Closed and archived baselines display a lock icon, showing they are read-only.