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Business Requirements Traceability

Tracing business requirements to low-level project artifacts.

Almware allows tracking of business requirements by using predefined connections between requirement artifacts.

Traceability Options

  • User Interfaces: User interfaces related to business requirement through software requirements.
  • Data Model: Data entities related to business requirement through software requirements.
  • API Methods / Software Interfaces: Software Interfaces related to business requirement through software requirements.
  • Customizable Artifacts: Custom artifacts related to business requirement through software requirements.
  • Test Case Coverage: Overview of how well test cases cover the business requirement.
  • Source Code beta: Code Units that implement business requirements (through software requirements).

Individual Traceability

In the "Traceability" tab of the business requirement screen, there is a tool to track requirement elements, allowing you to choose the direction of traceability.

Traceability Table

In the business requirements directory, you can select the "Traceability Table" view. This view shows the traceability of the selected business requirements in the chosen direction, and you can open related element information in the sidebar.